Software Engineering



ACSE Publications

Kienle, H., Weber, A., Muller, H. 2002. Leveraging SVG in the Rigi Reverse Engineering Tool. In Proceedings of the SVG Open Developers Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, July 15-17, 2002

Weber, A., Kienle, H., Muller, H. 2002. Live Documents with Contextual, Data-Driven Information Components, In Proc. of SIGDOC 2002, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 20-23, 2002

Tackling the Adoption Problem of Domain-Specific Visual Languages, Holger Kienle, Anke Weber, Jens Jahnke, and Hausi Muller, 2nd OOPSLA Workshop on Domain Specific Visual Languages, Seattle, November 2002.